How Do I Engineer Happiness On Cue? (The Science And Art of Happiness)
Key Takeaways
Learn practical and scientific tools to create happiness on cue
How to effortlessly take ownership of your ability to experience joy, flow and peace of mind
The 7 critical steps to sustain happiness and create lasting change
Harmony Integration
In the flagship program; bestselling author, professional speaker and happiness engineer; Kaushal Aras offers scientifically proven happiness tools to not just survive—but thrive—in these trying times. Gain practical strategies to help you to take ownership of your ability to experience joy, flow and peace of mind while creating happiness on demand. Our time together includes teachings, practice, and conversations about how to integrate the art of harmony into our lives as human beings in the modern world.
This interactive program of profound personal empowerment focuses on the Harmony Integration system comprising of seven practices to create joy in your life. There will be plenty of time to journal and take notes.
At the end of the course - you will take away a refreshing perspective on areas of life that are important to you, and practical tools to align with a balanced and contented mind and live from an awakened heart.
Audience Reactions:
“Kaushal is a very moving speaker, because he uses the details of everyday life to drive his big picture points in a way that can motivate everyone. His persuasive skills are amazing, because he’s a great listener. And he’s believable, because he lives his principles. I’m always inspired and motivated after hearing Kaushal speak, and I’ve acted on a number of his recommendations to great success.”
~ Craig Paulette, Sr., Consultant, Levin Consulting
"Your speech this evening was incredibly inspiring. It brought tears to my eyes. I was so touched by your story and so motivated to make those simple-yet-profound changes in my life that I just had to write you this note. Thank you!” ~ Ellen Darby, Health Coach
“You inspired me to examine my life and make necessary changes to lead a more productive life!” ~ Sandra Roach, Millennial Mentor